viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

Space and Health

There is no doubt that feeling good is a complete process, of eating well, exercising, being productive and resting well. But it is also essential to be in places and surrounded by things that make us feel peaceful and inspired. A space can make a difference to our mood; it can brings us vitality, or it can generate ourself the opposite.
Here are some examples of small places full of life:

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

9 vegetables you can eat once and regrow forever

By: Ecoosfera

There are some vegetables we use so much that we never stop buying them. Onions, garlic, cilantro, carrots and fresh herbs are central ingredients to many dishes and can be cheap, but when you buy them every day, can be a big expense.
Some foods are really easy to grow back at home from leftovers that remain, and some can even be grown in your kitchen bar:

1. Garlic
2. Carrot leaves
3. Basil
4. Cambray Onions
5. Romaine Lettuce
6. Onions
7. Ginger
8. Mushrooms
9. Coriander

To learn how you can easily regrow these plants in your home, go here.

martes, 28 de enero de 2014

viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

Sound Healing

                                                                                               Foto: AMMAYOGA
By: Manu Poder del Sonido

We live immersed in a world of sound and vibrations.

The sound, through the centuries, has become music throughout the land, with the understanding and knowledge of healing with sound in Oriental, nomadic and indigenous West cultures.

Whoever knows the mystery of sound, may know the mystery of the universe and have access to the music of the spheres. (Hazrat Inayat Khan)

Healing is posible to every human being, is in each of us. There's vibration in everything around us.The sound will affect us for good or evil according to the law of resonance: where the strongest vibration will make the weakest one vibrate until both are in the same frequency.

Depression, sadness and disease are low vibrating and inconsistent frequencies. Joy, love and health are high vibrating and steady frequencies.

Man's nature is to look for where he belongs. Until you find that place, you will not be in the peace that you yearn for. The way that man can find his own place is by intonating his instrument (himself) to the key of the chord to which it belongs. (Hazrat Inayat Khan)

It is necessary to make a study of ourselves to find who we really are, beyond our education, family or socioeconomic status.

Sound is a very helpful tool, because once we've calmed the incessant activity of the mind, which does not allow us to hear the voice of our being, the right hemisphere begins to function with greater emphasis, which helps important subconscious information to be manifested in a conscious way on the left hemisphere, causing both hemispheres work at the same time to heal past situations (both emotional, mental and sentimental ),entering the spiritual realm.

Shamanic traditions, Buddhist chants, Mongols, etc. what they do is going straight to the right brain through repetitive sounds and songs that don't have an articulated common language, to access the deeper layers of the subconscious.

This is just one of the many areas in which sound can help us heal.

Switching roles at the gym

A funny video of what would happen if men and women switched their roles at the Gym.

jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

Health websites

If you are interested in knowing more about health and how to lead a good and vital life, we also recommend the following websites:

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014


"Why is industry doing nothing about processed foods (which are very harmful), why is the government allowing it? I really do not know, I have no answer and I don't need to have one, because all I know is that my health is my responsibility. My family's health is my responsibility as parent and, therefore, I can not give the responsibility for my health and my family's to the government, or industry, or anyone in particular. But right now there's a lot of information, there are many pages, there's internet, we have access to everything. All we have to do is use reliable sources and studies and, mainly, to try it; do not believe me, do not believe anyone else; you have to try it, try having new habits and realize if they make you feel better or not."

Valeria Lozano
Health Coach
*Information taken from a video of Hábitos.

martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Foods that you should avoid at night

By: Lucía Vázquez

Eating at night, especially if it is close to bedtime, produces a stomach ache that can last until the next day because digestion does not occur as it should. Also, people who want to lose weight have more difficulty because everything they eat at that hour is reserved and is not converted into energy.

What foods to avoid before bedtime:

Junk food
Not only make you feel heavy, but also overload your stomach to digest. Avoid chips, pizzas, cookies, cakes.

Sugar and carbohydrates
Carbohydrates make the blood glucose level rises abruptly, causing us problems in the dream.

Red meat
Red meat is very hard to digest due to the big amount of protein it contains, therefore, eating before bed is not the best idea if you want to have a nice sleep. Also, be careful with the amounts of other meats, not only red, because they end up producing the same effect.

Spicy food
Are hard to digest. Besides, chemicals in spicy food stimulate senses and don't let you sleep and rest well.

Sweet cereals
Cereals are very healthy, but when it comes to night, the ideal is to eat more natural and with no added sugar cereal, reserving these for another meal, preferably breakfast.

Many people know why: it is used caffeine to stay awake at night, for example, when we study. However, caffeine is not just in tea or coffee, but also in other foods such as dark chocolate or colas.

Needless to say, beyond the foods we should avoid at night, perhaps the most important recommendation of all is not to consume large amounts of food at dinner. It is advisable to make several meals a day (five or six) of small amounts of food, at the end of the day the lower intake.


lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

Vitamin supplements "Are a waste of money"

By: Roberto Mendez

This is what experts are saying today about supplements, after the publication of up to 3 articles on this subject in the Annals of Internal Medicine magazine :

"Enough is enough: Stop spending money on supplements of vitamins and minerals"

These authors have concluded that these supplements do not work for literally anything, not to prevent chronic diseases or to avoid death prematurely, they can even be harmful if you already have an adequate nutrition. Therefore that of  "at least you know it will not hurt you" you can forget it now. For these experts use is not justified, and, not only that, it is advisable to avoid them.

"This message is especially true in the general population, they consume these supplements without clear evidence of micronutrient deficiency, and come to represent the majority of users and consumers of such supplements in the United States and other countries "

One of the co-authors of these studies, Dr. Edgar Miller, professor of medicine and epidemiology at the Ecole Public Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg, in Baltimore, further states that the most convenient (and of common sense, in my opinion) is that people "spend money on healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, low fat dairy products " and do exercise, of course.
To give you an idea, in the U.S. alone, the "waste" in these substances becomes about 28 billion dollars annually. A bit silly when studies say they are worthless and may even harm us.


viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

Your health depends on the place where you live

Bill Davenhall: Your health depends on the place where you live. How enviroment has everything to do with our health.

jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

Listening to music is good for the heart

Hang Drum Music

"Now a study has found that in fact music can strengthen the heart - and improve the recovery of patients suffering from heart disease.
Cardiologists said the findings suggested that all people could boost the health of their hearts simply by listening to their favourite tunes.
Patients with cardiac disease were divided into three groups. Some were enrolled in exercise classes for three weeks.
Others were put in the same classes, but also told to listen to music of their choice at any point for 30 minutes every day. A third group only listened to music, and did not take cardio-vascular exercise, which is usually prescribed to those with heart disease.
At the end of the trial, the patients who had listened to music as well as exercising had boosted crucial measures of heart function significantly, and improved their exercise capacity by 39 per cent.
The group which only took aerobic exercise improved their capacity by 29 per cent. Even those who took no exercise and only listened to their favourite music for half an hour a day improved their exercise function by 19 per cent, the study of 74 patients found."
An article by Laura Donnelly. 

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014

Take care of your liver

Our health depends on the ability we have to eliminate 
harmful wastes from our body, either internal or external.

"Normally our daily food waste are expelled from our cells and enter the blood that carry our excretory organs (primarily the liver and kidneys) this is where it is processed and taken to the organs of evacuation." 

Why do we have to care so much about our liver? Because the liver has us constantly debugging. 
  • It helps filtering the blood and purifies 
  • It metabolizes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. In fact, it is responsible for converting carbohydrates and fat protein 
  • Secretes bile (which helps with the digestion of fats - cholesterol and metabolizes bilirubin etc.) 
  • It stores glycogen 
  • Converts fructose to glucose 
  • Eliminate drugs, hormones and other substances 
  • Protects and Detoxifies

martes, 14 de enero de 2014

Concerns and obsessions

-My psychologist told me I have obsessive symptoms...
-Are you sure?
-I don't know, now I'm doubting...

By Angélica Figueroa Saldaña

The cingulate gyrus is the area of the brain that allows us to change our focus, moving from one idea to another, see the options we have in life, contain the feelings of physical and emotional safety, plus cognitive flexibility, which is the ability of the person to " let go ", adapt to changes easily, to handle problems successfully and do things in different ways, more creative and renewed.
Therefore, when this area of ​​the brain is affected, we tend to worry more, clinging to past ideas, getting stuck in thoughts and behaviors (obsessions), we tend to discuss more, we have eating disorders, anger and driving violence and, in some cases, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

In order to maintain the mind calmed, it's important to be aware of our obsessive thoughts and respond to them differently.
Some recommendations that  Dr. Daniel G. Amen gives ( Change your brain change your life ) are:

Whenever you get stuck, distract yourself and return to the problem later (Sing your favorite songs, listen to music that produces positive feelings, go out and take a walk, focus on a word and do not let it into your head any other thoughts)

Write the problem and possible solutions (1. Write the concern, 2. Make a list of what you can do to solve it, 3.Make a list of what you can not do to solve it)

When you feel blocked , get advice from others.

Food interventions (Eating foods that increase serotonin levels, such as pasta, potatoes, bread, chicken, turkey, salmon, beef, peanut butter, eggs, peas and milk, which are rich in tryptophan)

Exercise (helps calming the concerns and increases cognitive flexibility)

lunes, 13 de enero de 2014

The American Parasite

If you want to know more about the effects that sugar produces on us and the real cause of many health problems, you should watch this video and really pay attention to it.

This a video created by Whole Body Research (

viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

The Coca Cola commercial that you'll never see on TV

We have to be aware of  how what we drink and eat impacts our health. Beyond accepting or rejecting a product, is to know that there are some real issues around our eating habits, and it only depends on us to improve them and be healthier.

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

Foods that reduce Stress

Stress is the main cause of all diseases. We must learn how to relax and not let the mind overwhelm us with concerns. Here are some foods that can be helpful to reduce stress.


miércoles, 8 de enero de 2014

The costs of treating cancer

These are the most expensive cases that the company Allianz has paid on diseases in México. All of them have been cancer.

Fuente: estadísticas de Allianz

martes, 7 de enero de 2014

If Only For A Second

If Only For A Second was a project organized by Mimi Foundation in which they invited 20 pacients with cancer in order to give them and unforgettable moment of carefreeness.

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

You can heal your life

This book, written by the american author Louise Hay, is a good way to start questioning ourselves what illness truly is, and to get to know our bodies better so that we can have the power to heal it.

These are some of the main ideas of Louise Hay:
We are each responsible for all of our experiences.
Every thought we think is creating our future.
The point of power is always in the present moment.
Everyone suffers from self-hatred and guilt.
The bottom line for everyone is "I'm not good enough."
It's only a thought and a thought can be changed.
We create every so-called illness in our body.
Resentment, criticism and guilt are the most damaging patterns.
Releasing resentment will disolve even cancer.
Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the keys to positive changes.
When we really love ourselves everything in our life works.

viernes, 3 de enero de 2014

Happy 2014!

We are about to start with the publications! Stay Tuned.
We hope that you have an excellent new year!